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Mass crowns

Mass Crowns are those Mass intentions that are offered continuously for a specified time.


These intentions can be:


  1. Health

  2. Deceased

  3. birthday

  4. Job


The Mass Crowns are virtual and they are sent once contracted to a Monastic Convent located in Lima, called De la Providencia, there in an atmosphere of recollection, prayer , silence and respecting the privacy of the Community these Holy Masses are celebrated, whose Duration is 30 days, that is, one Holy Mass per day offered by the intentions of the people who write to us.


In this way we help them in their expenses due to the Community and for us in those expenses derived from the Online Radio and the updated Web.


You can see below some Crowns of Holy Masses recently ordered .






Primer Domingo de Adviento

Segundo Domingo de Adviento

Tercer Domingo de Adviento

Cuarto Domingo de Adviento

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